Tuesday, March 6, 2007

vignette #1: wait, wait, what...why do you need *that*?

If you continue driving down Franklin, past Market of Choice, I5 and a small, depressing stretch of busted-down pawn shoppes and a really dilapidated air conditioning company. An aside: they get some of their equipment from the company my dad works for; I worked there this past summer in the warehouse, and some of my ever-rotating duties included preparing equipment going down to places as far away as Eugene, including this company. I wondered where they were on Franklin Blvd; I never imagined it was the crappy part.

anyways, continuing on, cross over the bridge (and the homeless) and you enter into the slightly less-depressing city hall district of beautiful Springfield. I think this may be the only place on earth where one can stand outside a church and see a strip club kitty-corner on the next block, but I digress...

one thing stands out, and it happens to stand tall in the Springfield police parking lot. Yes, the Springfield Police have...a SWAT-team van.

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springfield police ain't nothin' ta fuck wit

and I only have one question: why? is it really that hard to bust up meth-heads? are they worried about a Dead Rising-esque Gateway mall riot (oh god, the money I'd pay to see that...). I just couldn't get my head around it, and found it hilarious when I saw it.

1 comment:

Abrahm Lustgarten said...

I love your blog writing -- but for a vignette, try to take a moment out of time and place your reader in the location, see if you can make us feel and see what it is like to stand on that spot, in all its glory and nuanced detail.